Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Embroidery frames

I am working on a programme for a craft workshop for girls (and boys) for the upcoming winter holidays. It's all very exciting and I'm so inspired by everything I see on-line, that it's difficult to choose what to do with the little munschkins. Looking around for some ideas of what to do with embroidery hoops, I came across some lovely images.  Here are a few of them.....

I think that I should (seriously) stop myself from posting more pictures now.... These are prettiness at it's best, don't you think? I have been soooo inspired by all these lovely images and talented, creative people that I can't wait to get my sketch book out and get some of my own ideas onto paper; to share with the kids at the workshop. 

Are you as inspired as I am to decorate with a hoop or two (or ten)? It looks real nice with a lot of them on a wall doesn't it?

Happy Day!

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