Wednesday, 22 August 2012


I've been busy looking for more patterns of lovely crochet pieces and found dozens.

(image borrowed from here)

Above is a picture of a pattern I tried out recently (don't you just love those colours?)

This is what I did with it (after I failed to get it like it's supposed to be in the pattern - I will try again though, to get it right....hehe

I thought I'd make a starched bowl or even a cute little lampshade; but the starching process didn't work out all that well.... It looks pretty okay when turned upside down...

Even seen from above (like this) it doesn't look all that bad, but there are lots of little bits of starch everywhere that looks really horrible (at least I can wash it out). I used cornflour and water; does anyone have a better idea of how I can starch this, pleeeease?

Have a Happy Day!

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