Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Veggie garden update

The Captain and I have been busy with several things over the last couple of weeks; one of them being our veggie garden. Here are some photo's of what we are expecting (eagerly) to harvest in the coming months.

Potatoes - planted in a bag to save on space and "just for fun".

 Aubergine - the blossoms are just lovely!

Butternut - we didn't sow this; it must've come up from a seed that was in our homemade compost.   

Tomatoes - I am so excited to harvest these sometime soon! There's just nothing like a fresh tomato from one's own garden!

Salsify - I'm not familiar with this, but The Captain promises it is really good.

Rhubarb - which will take a bit longer before we can harvest, but definitely worth the wait!

Happy day!

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