Wednesday, 6 February 2013

From the garden

Temperatures are soaring in the high thirties and yesterday even 42 degrees here in the Boland. It's too hot to garden really, but I try.....

This is the first aubergine fruit on the plant
The first tomato to change colour this much without rotting or being eaten by pests
The radishes are doing very well
Lettuce seems to be very happy here
Cabbage is being destroyed by tiny little wormy beasts
Potatoes in a bag - we can't wait to harvest these
Butternut which was a surprise to find in the garden since we never
planted it! Until now it hasn't been doing all that well, but I read that
I should feed it some calcium and try to pollinate by hand. I'm hoping
that will work, including watering only around the base instead of all over the
whole plant with sprinklers. Fingers crossed....

Happy day!

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