Friday, 22 February 2013

Stamp making

I've been playing around with erasers and carving tools, see?

For this I used a regular, if not perhaps a bit too small, eraser from Staedtler and some cheapo carving tools from our local arts & craft supplier.

I've got my eyes on the following though; Speedball carving tools available from Amazon. Click here for all the Speedball products on Amazon. Other e-stores that stock Speedball cutters are and Instead of the small erasers which work just fine, but not quite the size I'd like my stamps to be,  I'd like the super, duper Staedtler Mastercarve Artist carving blocks.  They come in all sizes and thicknessess; only problem is that I haven't been able to find any on-line. Suggestions anyone? Do they even manufacture these still?

I'm quite excited about this craft and can see how it will keep me busy over the coming winter months.

Happy weekend!

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