Friday, 21 June 2013

Dottie stuff

How can this be? I was just too late!! One Of my favourite of favourites on Etsy and the world of Vintage and blogging had  a handful of dresses going on sale on Etsy and they sold out in just a couple of days! Nooooo!!!

Dottie Angel   have been my muse since I "discovered" her a couple of years ago and when I saw that she has her trademark, gorgeous, vintage inspired frocks on Etsy, it was just a tad too late. Now I have to wait until "fall" which is our Spring and keep my eyes peeled on her Facebook page and Etsy shop to make sure I'm a "happy chappie" this coming summer, in my "dottie frock".

Here's a peek at her creations.....

Dare I say that it would make me a happy chappie indeed to see ALL of these in the wardrobe that I call mine? Sigh! Oh, yes! Very happy indeed!

Happy weekend folks!

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