Tuesday, 8 October 2013

New normality

I've been spending a lot of time getting used to a new normality......

This was me a few weeks ago just after I started chemotherapy. Since my hair was already short, I thought I'd have a bit of fun with a Mohawk before it all starts falling out. The hair is all gone now and I look like a proper "Kojak" (for those who remember the television series). I'm doing fine and feeling great these days. Apologies to those who have checked in regularly and found no up-date for so long. I will try to post some things I keep myself busy with from time to time.  Otherwise you can follow me on Instagram under the name jopauche.

Here is a cute doggie softie I made for my Captain from fabric that is traditionally from Jakarta, Indonesia. I'm not sure anymore where I found the pattern, so if you know, please let me know so I can include a link. (thanks!!)

Thanks for stopping by!

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